Part 19: 05/07/09 - 05/28/09: The Butterfly Effect

May is done, so I think it's time for a quick jaunt through another timeline once again, don't you?

Since not every day will be unique to this reality, we'll just hit the highlights as per usual.

> Junpei seems a little embarrassed...

Even before Persona 5 came into being, we had Coffee Trivia. Completely okay with that!

> The two of you chatted about different things for a while...

Well, that changed gears quickly!

> The two of you chatted about different things for a while...
> You feel like you understand Junpei a little better now...

> You and Junpei went back to the dorm together.

We have no choice over this one. Unlike before, this is a scene we get no matter what on the 8th of May.

Does student council not count...?

Well, if I have to pick right now... uhhh...
Inside Kotone's Head Right Now posted:
That'll do.

> ...You joined the library committee.
> You must go to the library after school is out today...
Freedom is illusion, and we are all shackled to fate.

> The other members leave...

Gee, I wonder what her problem that we'll have to talk through is going to be about...

> You get a mature and quiet impression of Saori, probably because she's older than you.

Whew boy, so, it's not a big surprise that there's more than two different S.Links this go around. The vast, vast majority of the changes are generally agreed to be for the better (don't really see any people clamouring for more Kenji, for example). Saori is the exception. Most people would think that she's worse than "Maya" for the Hermit and I... kinda agree, really. I know I'm normally contrary and snooty about SMT opinions but this time I am the mainstream. Sorry.

> You were taught the skills you need in order to perform your duties as a member of the library committee.
> You spent time with Saori in the library until it was time to leave...

Minor sidebar: since we have manual control, after beating up The High Priestess we don't get new AI commands. We still totally could but we don't. Instead, we get this extra bonus.

It's like an All-Out Attack but not. It focuses on one target that is not yet knocked down and, well, knocks that Shadow down. It's not very exciting but it comes up sometimes.

Also, the prices for the compendium here are identical to the prices in Hard in FES. Maniac isn't actually any more difficult (it's easier in fact!), it's just the hardest here because it doesn't let you have NG+ goodies carry over. Doing it fresh means, uh, basically nothing really. At least it sounds fancy.
Anyway, where were we? Right, hanging out with cool new people.

rio please sleep at home and not in class

> You can hear Rio's coaching voice...
Short Hair: Rio, can we take a break yet...?

Short Hair: But we're all tired! It's not like we're gonna make the finals or anything anyway!
I see someone needs to watch Haikyuu!!

Club Members: Huh...?
> The club members look at each other in confusion...

Club Members: ......
> The club members fall into a sullen Silence...
Member: You're the only one that wants to take it that far...

Club Members: ......

> Rio sighs...
Hair Buns: ...I don't think we're in the mood to keep going today. Let's just go, guys.

> All the other members leave...

> You and Rio finished practice together...

> Rio laughs...

> Rio laughs...
> You feel like you understand Rio a little better now...

> After finishing up with the club, you decided to stop by a burger place before returning to the dorm.
Like, okay, I kind of get that there'd be some people here who just signed up because Student Club Is Mandatory or whatever, right? But the entire club is a little extreme. There has to be something else to it than that, surely...

Oh well, worry about that later. For now, we'll hang out with Yukari since we can do that.

It's appropriate that we're in high school, because this is some textbook high school level philosophy right there.

> Yukari stares at the flowers with a nostalgic look in her eye...
> You feel like you understand Yukari a little better now...

> You decide to purchase a small bouquet and return to the dorm...
Y'know, I'm thinking we keep this SEES train rolling right on along...

Plus it's nice to have a Magician S.Link available here that doesn't annoy me.

> Junpei is looking at a middle-aged man standing off to the side...

> He's also yelling something...

> Junpei grimaces...
> The drunk notices you looking at him and approaches you...

> Junpei looks disgusted.

> Junpei seems to be in a bad mood...

> Junpei laughs dejectedly...

Honestly, I know the music notes are just a visual cue for "you got points" and all, but between that and the happy music I'm getting some real tonal dissonance right now.
> The ramen you ordered arrived.
> But, the heavy atmosphere makes it taste oilier than usual...

No really, what? This music is super inappropriate for "Junpei's dad was a drunk and also beat him sometimes."
Also, man, that is one hell of a bomb to just drop on someone like that.

Bored is the wrong word for it. By, like, a lot. It's a good thing this is in the timeline where the main character actually can do empathy.

> Junpei laughs...
> You feel like you understand Junpei a little better now...

> You and Junpei returned to the dorm together.

So, this Sunday we're gonna do something a little bit different. We're gonna use this thing here. This is the first time that's happened, but the long and short of it is...

It uses your daytime slot to give you 10 points with the person you choose.

There's also a random event that is actually random.

Since it costs 100 yen to use, we just made a profit out of this. Nice!

Junpei still acts like a creep when he finds out about Fuuka, but at least here we can double-team him with Yukari. And it's deserved, let's be honest.

Right, anyway, back to school we go!

> ...Most of the members are missing...

Girl's Voice: Excuse me! Could I borrow some of you guys' tape?

Well, here's an unexpected surprise. It's a girl we've definitely never met before, honest.

She also got angry because you didn't tell her. Perfect plan.

No, wrong argument! Abort mission! Abort mission!

> The other members left...

> The .girl approaches you and whispers something in your ear...

> Yuko left, still concerned about Rio...

> Rio seems hunched over and sad...
> You feel like you understand Rio a little better now...

No, you didn't miss anything there and neither did I. That's really just how it ends.

Speaking of ends, since it's easier to get a reward in this reality, we managed to get something from Mitsuru even without coming first.

It's just a small set of cards for upgrading our Personae, mind you.

Since each card does Luck and another stat, we can upgrade all five stats. Strength, Magic, Agility and Endurance once and Luck four times. Gonna hold onto these for later, though. When something actually warrants them, I'll... probably forget I have them to be honest, but you never know.

We would hang out with Yukari again here, but since it's basically identical to Rank 3 in the "main" timeline we'll hold off on that for now I think.

So, instead, we'll hit up the last thing that is unique in this version of May. And that means more Junpei.

> Junpei is awfully generous...

> Junpei seems relieved for some reason...

I, uh... what?
> ...?
> What is he talking about...?
> ...You decide to ask him about it.

> Junpei seems hesitant to speak...

What did you do, Junpei?

...That's pretty weird!

Kind of, nothing. We're getting into some real major violations of privacy with this one. Dang.

> Junpei looks troubled...

That is really not helping!

> Junpei seems genuinely concerned about you...
> You feel like your bond with Junpei has grown a little stronger...

> You and Junpei talked for a while before heading back together.
Well, that ended on a bizarrely heavy note. At least it was made pretty clear that despite coming across as a scumbag a lot of the time, Junpei DOES have the ability to actually be a cool dude and not creep on people just because they are girls. Alas, this is relegated to the S.Link Zone but it's nice to know it's there all the same.